I went for a walk this morning, not really for exercise, but more a wander along in the sun and eat blackberries sort of a walk. In the hedges at the moment are rose hips, elderberries, blackberries, sloes and damsons, all edible and can be used in preserves.
Rose hips were used to make vitamin C rich syrup during both the first and second world wars. After the fall of France in 1940 it became impossible to import food from Europe so sources of vitamin C became scarce. People were encouraged to make rose hip syrup, or collect rose hips which were then turned into syrup by pharmaceutical companies such as Scott and Turner, who made Andrews liver salts.
Not only are rose hips high in vitamin C but may have an anti diabetic effect and protect cartilage from osteoarthritis damage.
There are many recipes for rose hip syrup as well as jelly, jam, chutney and tea.
In keeping with my current lazy mood, I think I’ll just make the tea.